{Image Credit: TheDiceTowerNetwork.com}
If you are one of the few people who visit my blog, you know that lately (for the last year or so) I have been obsessed with games of every type. I am still fairly new to gaming (since some have been doing it most of their lives) and one of the ways I have kept myself informed is by a site run by Tom Vasel called The Dice Tower. Not only has the site been informative, but they have a channel on YouTube as well. I got my hubby to sit down and watch a couple of reviews and the hubby has finally succumbed to the gaming obsession as well. Tom (like we are a first name basis) does such a great job and is so thorough with his reviews that we usually just add to our wish list from his recommendations.
Where is this going you ask, I mean yay you found a gaming site.. la dee da..
{Image Source: TheDiceTowerNetwork.com}
So anyway my buddy Tom started a Podcast called The Dice Tower Showdown. He moderates as gamers take on topics such as KickStarter, is it good for the gaming industry, which game is better and why, and other great gaming discussions. Whether you are new to gaming or have been doing it for quite some time, this podcast is highly entertaining and makes you stop to really think about the subjects being discussed.
So please go check out The Dice Tower Showdown either on iTunes or here: http://bit.ly/1f495kz
Until next time!